Diets For Quick Weight Loss - Which One is For You?

What are the best diets for quick weight loss? In this article I will be discussing a number of diet programs that have become popular with those looking to lose weight.
People diet for a whole host of reasons. Some want to lose weight to look better, others have been advised to lose weight for health reasons or because they want to perform at a higher level physically. No matter what your personal reasons for losing weight, if you want to maximize your weight loss you need to be choosing the correct type of diet.
Let us cover some of the diets for quick weight loss that will ensure you reach your goals in the fastest time possible. You will learn the general premise of each diet and it's pros and cons - it's time to find out which diets for quick weight loss are best for you!

  • 1. Fat Loss 4 Idiots

  • Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a diet program designed using the calorie shifting method and has gained huge popularity with people who has tried a lot of diets for quick weight loss without results, the reason being - it works! This calorie shifting method basically involves changing the types of calories you eat each day so that your body's metabolism doesn't get used to any one routine.
    To ensure you are eating the Fat Loss 4 Idiots way you need to enter your favorite foods into the online diet generator which will then compile an 11 day menu ensuring you gain all the benefits that the calorie shifting method has to offer. With Fat Loss 4 Idiots you eat 4 times per day until you are full which ensures your appetite is satisfied. This ambitious fat loss program promises weight loss of up to 9 pounds in 11 days and is definitely one of the best diets for quick weight loss.

  • You get to eat many of your favorite foods during the diet

  • Swift weight loss is virtually guaranteed

  • A clear and concise menu is generated for you containing all the information you need for successful weight loss

  • A cheap and easily implemented diet regime

  • Cons:

  • Eating until you are satisfied at each meal can be difficult - you must take care not to over-indulge

  • This is basically a low-carb diet which can effect energy levels

  • Some of the meals are a little bland
  • 2. The South Beach Diet

  • The second of our diets for quick weight loss is the south beach diet. This diet was created by a leading US cardiologist rather by accident. He prescribed the diet to his patients in order to improve their condition but soon found that it resulted in a significant reduction in weight.
    The south beach diet is fairly unique in that it is broken down into phases. The first phase lasts 2 weeks and is centered around eating very few carbohydrates, this 2 week period is designed to help resolve insulin resistance and often results in weight loss of as much as 13 lbs.
    Phase two allows for some low glycemic carbs to be re-introduced; foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain bread. This phase lasts as long as it takes an individual to reach their target weight, 1-2lbs per week weight loss can be expected. The final phase is the lifestyle phase and should be followed forever. A wider range of food can be eaten during this phase.

  • Simple to follow

  • Low in saturated fat

  • Cons:

  • Like with Fat Loss 4 Idiots there is no limit to portion size with the focus of eating till full - this can be difficult to judge

  • Seriously lacking in vitamins, minerals and fiber

  • Heavy emphasis of dairy products - for those unable to eat them there is a lack of options
  • 3. Precision Nutrition

  • The Precision Nutrition system has been touted by many as one of the ultimate diets for quick weight loss by numerous 'big name' organizations. It was designed by Dr. John M. Berardi, Ph.D. and his clients include a whole host of professional sports stars from the NFL, NBA and NHL. These athletes need the very best nutrition advice in order to perform at their peak and Precision Nutrition provides just that.
    This program is more of a fat burning lifestyle than another of the diets for quick weight loss. It focuses on eating a wide range of foods balancing nutrients carefully to ensure maximum health and weight loss benefits. Carbs are limited to the fibrous variety except after exercise when more complex, starchy carbs are allowed.
    Precision Nutrition comes as a collection of neatly packaged, tangible products including a gourmet recipe book, an individualization guide and a five minute meal guide amongst others. You are also given membership to the Precision Nutrition membership site which gives access to nutritional experts who can answer any personal questions you may have and other dieters using the program.

  • A well balanced, highly scientific approach to weight loss

  • Professional, attractive tangible products

  • Backed and used by professional organizations such as the US bobsleigh team

  • Delicious recipes which are easy to prepare

  • Cons:

  • Expensive in comparison to other diets for quick weight loss

  • The system doesn't promote rapid weight loss and rather focuses on long-term, slow-burn weight loss for life

  • With all these diets for quick weight loss you need serious commitment if you want to successfully lose weight. I strongly suggest you check out all of these diets in order to discover which is the best for your body type - you can check out some intriguing reviews of these products by visiting Extreme Weight Loss.
    Good luck with your dieting!

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