The Basics of the Christian Weight Loss Plan

That is the question being posed by many devout Christians who need to lose weight. A new form of dieting method, known as the Christian weight loss plan, is now gaining popularity throughout the world. The Christian weight loss plan aims to help obese people lose weight based on the same religious principles they believe in.

About obesity

Obesity is a condition affecting about 64% of adult Americans. This percentage is increasing every year. In recent years, it has also started to affect children, causing serious health complications such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Motor problems like difficulty in walking and breathing are also normal.

An extreme form of obesity is morbid obesity. Morbidly obese individuals are more than 100 lbs overweight, or have a body mass index (BMI) of over 40 (normal BMI is 18 to 24).

Taking measures

Because of the threats posed by obesity, Americans are now taking a proactive approach to losing weight. An estimated $56 billion is being spent every year by Americans on weight loss methods like dieting, exercise, and surgery. Weight loss programs have also popped out everywhere, claiming to provide the best, most effective, and quickest way to lose weight. Sadly, though, as much as $6 billion is being spent on fraudulent or ineffective weight loss methods. Some of these can even cause serious health complications and side effects.

Adding Jesus to your diet

A Christian weight loss plan is similar to regular dieting methods that include everything from calorie counting to carb limiting, and gentle exercising to full-on gym programs. So what makes it Christian? A Christian weight loss plan encourages you to "include Jesus in your diet"--by constant prayer and reflection.

Obesity is a sin

Proponents of Christian weight loss claim that being obese is a sin because it is the result of gluttony. The goal of a Christian weight loss plan is for people to not be satisfied with material food but with spiritual food. Religion will not count the calories for you, but it will help you stay on track and keep you motivated.

How they work

As mentioned, a Christian weight loss plan is similar to a regular weight loss plan. Some programs provide you with a week's menu, while others require you to exercise at least 30 minutes daily. But the added bit is that this plan is mixed with spiritual teaching. Christian weight loss groups include bible study, prayer meetings, and meditation, during which they require members to "repent" on their sin of overeating.

Pros and cons

As far-fetched as it may seem, a Christian weight loss plan does have its benefits. The main advantage of joining a Christian weight loss program is having a support group. The overall theme of serving God can be an added motivation to individuals to help them lose weight faster. Not only that, the group provides a great atmosphere for consultations, knowledge sharing, support, and a wide range of weight loss resources.

Of course, Christian weight loss also has its disadvantages. Relating weight loss to religion can bring in feelings of extreme guilt to individuals who fail to meet the group's goals. This is not only unhealthy, but can also lead to even more weight gain because of depression.

Secular vs. Christian weight loss

Is the Christian weight loss plan more effective than a secular one? At present, there are no studies conducted to claim that one method is better than the other. However, it is something that needs to be studied, not only in the medical realm but also in the theological realm.

The whole concept of Christian weight loss is copied from Jesus' lifestyle. However, his lifestyle was radically different from 21st century individuals. For one, Jesus was a traveler, so his diet was mainly shaped by what people offer him to eat. Being constantly on the move also helped him maintain his weight, regardless of what he ate.

The best solution

In the end, the best weight loss solution is this: eat less, exercise more. No amount of religious teachings should blind you o lose or gain weight. Before joining any Christian weight loss group, it is best to study your options first. Consult a specialist on what steps you should take and what method you should adapt to lose weight efficiently without the health risks.

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