Weight Loss Truths - Un-Sugar Coated

Millions of people are currently on a weight loss mission. Sadly, only a small fraction will lose weight, and half of those that do succeed will put it right back on in a matter of months.
The weight loss product industry makes billions of dollars yearly at the whim of desperate consumers looking for that quick fix, that magic pill, or the revolutionary machine that will make them lose weight.
Weight loss does not come in a bottle or a machine. It never has, and it never will. True weight loss takes proper nutrition, exercise, and rest. There are no short cuts, quick fixes, overnight miracles, or FDA approved drugs that will force the fat off your body, much less keep it off.
While you read this revealing article keep a few key points in mind. These are the truths that you may not want to hear, but need to. Here are the weight loss truths, un-sugar coated.
Weight Loss Truth #1 - You will not lose 5-10 pounds of body fat in a week
If you want to lose fat and keep it off, then it's going to take some time. I won't guarantee 5-10 pound weight loss in a week or two, but I will say you can realistically lose 1-2 pounds of body fat a week, and gain lean muscle at the same rate. You didn't put the weight on overnight, and therefore it's not going to magically disappear overnight.
True weight loss is fat loss...not muscle loss, not water or bone loss, but fat loss. Losing 5-10 pounds or more a week is a loss of bone, muscle, and water, which results in a destroyed metabolism.
Scale weight is obsolete, as the scale is only a measuring device, unable to distinguish between muscle, fat, bone, and water weight.
Weight Loss Truth #2 - There is no quick fix to fat loss, and fad diets are worthless
Lose 40 pounds in a week! Lose weight while you sleep! Rapid weight loss! Lose weight without diet or exercise! These are consumer hot buttons, causing you to buy products with your emotions. They are misleading and just plain lies, lies, and lies. Fad diets and "quick fix" products will drain your wallet and leave you feeling worse than when you started. The only weight you will lose on a fad diet or a quick fix is water, muscle, and bone. These are not desired results, as they lead to metabolic downgrade and increased fat storage.
Lotions, potions, and gadgets for fat loss should be tossed out the window. They are worthless. Taking fat off requires nutrients and exercise. It's that simple, yet rarely told to you because the weight loss product industry's job it to make an insane amount of money.
Weight Loss Truth #3 - You have to stop eating processed foods labeled "healthy," "low-fat," or "low-carb".
Food labels are misleading and can cause you to gain more fat in the long run. They are completely processed.
Prepackaged meals and "diet foods" contain chemicals that your body can't metabolize and therefore, it slows down your metabolism. Chemicals that don't leave your body become toxins and get lodged in your fat cells, making fat loss even more difficult.
Weight Loss Truth #4 - You will have to put forth the effort if you want to lose fat
The body is made to be nourished and to be physical. If you want to lose fat you have to eat right and get moving. It may not be glamorous or fun, but it's a must if you want to shed the fat.
There are a number of things you can do for exercise, such as walking, in-line skating, weight training, biking, hiking, swimming, etc. Whatever your choice is, just do it.
Weight Loss Truth #5 - You will not be a supermodel or swimsuit model
Well, I'm not saying this can't or won't happen, but my point is that many weight loss ads suggest that after you take their product you will look like the supermodel marketing the product.
Remember, models are models. They are spokespersons for the company. They are just doing their job. Just because a supermodel is holding a bottle of the latest cortisol blocker does not mean you will look like her by taking that product.
Weight Loss Truth #6 - Muscle does not weigh more than fat
There is a misconception linked with weight training, that muscle weighs more than fat. I've heard Dr. Phil say this (yes, the wonderful "dieting expert"), as well as Bob Greene, Oprah's personal trainer. These people are looked upon as icons, yet they are giving out false information.
Muscle does not weigh more than fat. Go do the experiment yourself right now. Grab two pounds of chicken fat and weigh it, and then weigh two pounds of chicken meat (muscle). Which weighs more? Neither. Two pounds of fat weighs the same as two pounds of muscle, two pounds.
Muscle is more dense than fat and it takes up less space. Therefore, it would be ideal to add muscle to your frame because it's more dense, creates curves, and it increases your metabolism.
Weight Loss Truth #7 - You can't spot reduce
Doing a thousand leg lifts won't reduce your thighs any faster than doing a thousand crunches to tone your abs. Simply, and sadly put, you cannot spot reduce. Doing crunches upon crunches will only build the underlying abdominal muscle beneath your layer of tummy fat.
To trim down flabby areas you need to eat several small balanced meals that are unprocessed, and you need to exercise. When your body fat begins to reduce, your trouble spots will begin to shape up.
Weight Loss Truth #8 - Weight loss is a lifestyle
Losing weight properly, which is reducing body fat and building lean muscle tissue, should not be a one-shot approach; it should be a lifetime commitment. If you ever go back to your old destructive habits you will become out of shape again, and will have to work twice as hard to get back in shape.
Adopt a healthy eating and exercise lifestyle, and maintain it for the rest of your life. Doing so will keep you fit, energetic, slow down the aging process, keep you looking young, and it will prevent early degenerative diseases.
Being healthy and in shape is not genetic, it's by choice. Make the right choice today.
Weight Loss Truths Conclusion
Now that you have the weight loss truths, begin to work on them to improve your health and to get in shape. Your health and your body are yours, and you have to work daily to keep them functioning correctly and to give you the look you want. Once you get in the shape you want to be in, all you have to do from there is simple maintenance, which becomes something you do daily, such as brushing your teeth or shaving your legs.
Do your body right and it won't steer you wrong.

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