Showing posts with label Weight Loss Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss Motivation. Show all posts

Weight Loss Motivation Rules

Successful weight loss Rules for Weight loss motivation.

As with any plan there are always rules. Weight loss is no different; after all it is a battle, a battle of mind over body and every battle has rules. Below is what I consider to be the golden rules of weight loss.

These are, in order,

o You are responsible for yourself and actions

o There are downsides as well as ups, take the rough with the smooth

o Pick the weight loss routine suitable for you

o Take the routine seriously

o And follow through to the end

You are responsible for yourself and actions

Remember, a diet is a selfish action; it is for one person and one person only. A diet should be undertaken for your own needs and desires, not others, for this reason alone it is your very person that is responsible for its success or failure. Pressure is applied more often than not by others and surroundings, but you will have to be strong.

There will be up's and down's

So, going with the theory that most people will take some time to realize the truth of the magic rules, the first thing that you need to do then to begin your weight loss regime, is to realize that it is not going to be an easy road to walk or run down.

There will be many tempting goodies like: cream cakes, full fat coffees, cream cheese bagels, the ever popular Burger chains and so on and so forth, littering your path. It is up to you to resist and not give in to these temptations.

I kid you not! It will not be easy so I will not even pretend that we can pass these by without being tempted one or two times and indeed giving into temptation. That would be delusion on a grand scale, and since we are for the moment at least, all about self-honesty, let's acknowledge the fact that we will fall off the wagon, most do.

But as I said earlier, what matters is not that you fell off the wagon in the first place, but what you do with yourself afterwards. Get up, dust off those cookie crumbs and get right back on the weight loss wagon. You can do it.

And this is really what you need to realize so early on, the fact that you will fall off the weight loss wagon, and the fact that your road will be literally paved with tempting morsel after tempting morsel.

Once you can realize and acknowledge this fact for yourself, you will find that you are better armed to deal with these.

You will also find that being prepared for these little wayside problems, makes it easier for you to tackle them head on, and in many cases, makes it easier for you to turn a blind eye to temptation (most of the time).

Pick a Weight loss Routine Best For You

You have decided that you want to lose weight and you are going about trying to find a way to make this a reality.

Now you need to take a few minutes away from your busy schedule to deicide exactly what measures you can implement in your lifestyle to make it easier for you to lose weight, and also decide how much time you are willing to devote to doing this.

This might be more difficult for you than you think, but the thing is for it not to become daunting at this first hurdle.

If you have only a very minimal time frame on your hands to devote to your goal of losing weight, there is no need to despair.

Since you have already begun the crucial process, you only need to follow through with it and implement a plan that will enable you to do so despite your busy schedule.

Take things one at a time and don't try to do everything at once. With a limited amount of time on your hands first concentrate on one aspect of your weight loss plan.

If you want to implement an exercise regime, then do so. Leave the diet plans for a later date when you are better able to deal with it, or when your exercise routine has become a set part of your life.

This way, you will be able to gradually incorporate your entire weight loss plan into your life, without having to leave anything out, or without having to feel beleaguered.

The key factor when going through with this golden rule is that you need to find the right balance of diet and/ or exercise for you, the one plan that will fit seamlessly into your lifestyle habits without taking you too out of your way.

Take the Routine Seriously

If you went through the earlier golden rule, you know that in choosing the best weight loss plan for you, you need to choose one that fits into your lifestyle.

The reason you are doing this, is to make this particular golden rule - the one about following through on your weight loss plan - a reality instead of a wish.

Many people, myself included, find it easiest to start something; it is the follow through that we find difficult, and because of this, we find it easy to let go of our ideas and plans when the going gets tough.

By choosing a weight loss plan that fits naturally into your lifestyle to begin with, you are making it that much easier for you to stay the course and to follow through on your weight loss plans.

If you look at it reasonably you will see that what I am saying makes sense. Think about it. If you have great ideas on how to lose weight and put them into action, you can be assured that for the first few days and weeks at least that you will go through with them.

But what happens when you have to break through your routine to attend to something else? Since life can never be planned out down to a T, you can be assured of getting these interruptions, and frequently, if you lead a busy life.

Well, to begin with, you would try and keep as close to your plans as possible, but there may be one or two days when you need to abandon them altogether to accommodate outside influences.

When this happens, which weight loss plan do you think you are most likely to follow through on, once you get back to your normal routine?

The one which is great, but which takes you out of your normal routine and which requires you to push and prod yourself to get back into it?

Or the one which is maybe not as great as your original grand plan, but which runs more or less parallel to your normal routine, and which you can fall into more easily because it doesn't require you to go out of your way?

I know which one I would chose, but this is because I know myself. I know that if I had to go out of my way over and over again, if I had to push and prod myself to get into my weight loss routine every time life threw a curveball at me that I would not follow through with it.

In fact, my life to date is littered with many of these grand weight loss plans and schemes, and for myself at least, I can attest that none of these worked the wonders that they should have. The plans were sound; it was the execution of them that left a lot to be desired!

It took a little bit more of down-to-earth thinking, and my realization of the golden rules for me to lose weight successfully and keep it off.

What you need to take away from this section, is the knowledge that sometimes life will throw a spanner in the works. You will find your weight loss plans going for a six, but that doesn't mean that you should quit.

Whether you have a "great" weight loss plan, or whether you have a not-so-great weight loss plan in the works, you need to follow through on your original plans and ideas and not give up.

It is at this point in your weight loss plans that it's going to be all too easy to give up and go back to your old ways. Don't.

If you think you might have trouble on the follow through, be prepared for this eventuality and plan for it accordingly.

And follow it through the end

The thing that will help you to lose weight, and will also help you to keep the weight off, is if you follow the plan through to the very end with your decision to lose weight.

In other words if you have set yourself a target weight, then stick to it. Follow through to the end, and don't give up.

If you have been reading through the earlier sections, or if you have gone down this route before, then you know how much easier it is to start yourself on a weight loss regime than it is to continue on with it.

And you will also probably know how much easier it is to follow through on such a course if you give yourself a little nudge, than it is to see it through to completion.

Many of us, even if we do manage to successfully drag ourselves through our weight loss routine day after day, will find that it is harder to stay on track as time goes by and your goal comes ever closer.

In my case most of the time, even when I followed through to nearly the end, I found myself losing the will to continue.

This was mainly due to the fact that I was not as committed in the beginning as I could have been which in turn meant that I was only staying the course because I was forcing myself to do so, and not because I really wanted to.

And this meant that when the going got tough, I got going - in the opposite direction most times!

Since it was difficult enough to stay the course when things were happening normally in my life, it was near on impossible to stay the course when things went even slightly out of sync.

The end result? I would always, always find some way, some little loophole to exploit which would necessitate my going off my weight loss regime.

So to see you through to your weight loss target, you need to follow through, and make a conscious decision that you will see it through to the end. But you also need to have that commitment to yourself and to your goal that you will see it through to the end.

And really, it is only when you want to do this, when you have the commitment to stick with it come hell or high water, that you will find that you not only lose the weight, but you find that you also keep it off.

12 Ways to Lose Fat Faster

There’s no magic answer when it comes to losing fat quickly and easily, which is why I always recommend adopting multiple strategies at a time.

In my years of experience as a personal trainer and fitness coach, I’ve helped hundreds of people lose weight and get in the best shape of their lives. Fat loss is definitely a challenge, but there are a number of effective and simple strategies that can give you the results you’re looking for. You just need to get serious, commit yourself to your goals, and accept that you need to hit it from all angles.

To help you reach your goals faster, I’m offering 12 of my best strategies for losing fat fast. But here’s the catch – I’m challenging you to adopt at least 3 of these strategies today!

Ready to get serious?

12 Easy & Effective Ways to Lose Fat Fast

1. Get Intense with Interval Training – High intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the best ways to burn fat in a short period of time. By alternating between short bursts of high intensity exercises, you’ll boost your metabolism and condition your muscles in a new way. For more information on HIIT, read about it here – High Intensity Interval Training.

2. Give Up on Spot Training – When it comes down to it, the sad truth is that spot reduction just doesn’t work. To effectively lose fat in any area of your body, you need to work out your whole body and enhance your overall metabolism.  This is especially true for those of you out there who dislike working out your legs.  Your legs are some of the biggest muscles in your entire body and doing squats & lunges will drastically help you burn more fat simply by the shear energy these large muscle requires to burn every day.

3. Eat More Protein – Protein is definitely the closest thing to a magic ingredient when it comes to fat loss. Not only does it keep you full and help you avoid cravings, it also burns more calories and fat during digestion.

4. Get Serious about Weight Training – Resistance training is one of the best ways to enhance your metabolism over the long-term and burn calories and fat even while at rest. Your body composition, and especially your percentage of muscle mass, if directly related to your body’s ability to burn fat. For a really effective weight training routine, check out my killer Total Body Workout here.

5. Cut Down on Carbs – I’m not a supporter of cutting out carbs entirely from your diet. It’s not practical, and it’s not healthy. But reducing your carbohydrate intake, as well as limiting your intake to whole grains and unrefined carbs, will help you lose some serious fat fast.

6. Sleep Better – Poor sleep has been shown to wreak havoc on your metabolism and appetite. In fact, one night of bad sleep and you’ll find yourself with some pretty serious cravings through the day. Get your sleep on track, and everything gets easier, including fat loss.

7. Sprint More – Sprinting is a really effective exercise for burning fat that many people overlook. You need to find the right space, but these quick bursts of movement will help you shed the weight in a serious way.

8. Start Juicing – Juicing is a great way to fuel your body and drastically improve your intake of vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients. It’s also a great way to boost your metabolism and detox naturally, making it a totally effective fat loss strategy. Try one of my 5 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss here.

9. Try Yoga – If you’re bored of your workout and need to change things up a bit, try adding yoga to your routine. It’s a great way to condition your muscles, and you’ll be surprised by just how much of a workout it is!

10. Change Things Up on a Regular Basis – Unfortunately, your body stops responding to the same exercises over time. To keep seeing results, whether in losing fat or building muscle, you need to constantly try new things.

11. Take a CrossFit Class – Much like interval training, CrossFit can help you burn some serious calories, and in a very short period of time. It’s intense, but the results totally speak for themselves.

12. Have One Less Coffee a Week – This one is a bit of an over-generalization but if you are having your coffee with sugar and cream then cutting out just one of those coffee drinks a week is about 120+ calories, and if you cut that out for a month that’s almost 500 less calories a week.  Even though I don’t recommend my clients get too focused on calorie counting at the end of the day these liquid calories do add up to a lot and slowly creep up on your waist line.

Weight Loss Motivation - What Do You Do When You Can't Get Past A Weight Loss Plateau?

What do you do if you have tried everything and can't seem to lose any more? You have hit a weight loss plateau and it can seem IMPOSSIBLE to get past.

Weight loss motivation is a BIG problem especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. The answer to a weight loss plateau is never easy but there are some things you can try to kick-start your weight loss plan.

This is part 4 of our 8 part series exploring the 7 most crippling problems faced by people trying to stick to a weight loss plan and offer the solutions that allowed me to break free of the weight loss plateau.

Hitting a weight loss plateau is quite normal, in fact in your weight loss journey it is almost a certainty that at some stage you will come to a point where you don't seem to lose anymore pounds but you are still overweight.

Your body has simply become used to your current weight loss plan and is maintaining the weight rather than continuing to lose it.

Before you change what you are doing you need to ensure that you are doing all the "right things" when it comes to your weight loss plan. These include:

Eating small meals frequently (5-6 small meals per day)
Performing regular aerobic exercise (for burning calories) and regular weight training exercise (for growing those all important fat burning muscles)
Keeping your calorie intake to 15-20% lower than your normal calorie intake required to maintain your current weight
If you are doing all these things consistently then it is time to try something a little different to kick-start your body into burning fat once again. There is no one solution that will work for everybody as we are all individuals but what follows is some suggestions to get you started.

Weight Loss Plateau - Emergency Help Plan:

Maybe you are "over doing" your exercise regime. Overdoing exercise may not be giving your muscles time to grow as each exercise session causes tiny tears in your muscles which your body repairs and builds stronger for next time. This is how we build muscle. If we are not allowing our body rest time to grow our muscles we are not increasing our muscle mass significantly.

HINT: Try including a day or 2 of rest in between each exercise session to allow your muscles to recover.
"Break the Cycle" of your current calorie intake by increasing your calories slightly for a few days then decrease them. For example if you currently eat 1500 calories per day in order to lose weight, try eating 1800-1900 calories for 2-3 days then drop this back to say 1100-1200 calories for another 2-3 days then return to your normal 1500 calories.

IMPORTANT: Eating 400 extra calories doesn't mean 400 extra calories of fatty foods or snacks. Eat 400 more calories of the same type of foods you have been eating on your current diet. Try slightly larger portions of your existing meals or add an extra small meal to your day.
Try fiddling with your percentage of carbohydrates such as reducing them from say 50% of your intake to 40% or try consuming more proteins in your diet. Keep records and see if you notice any positive changes.

If you think your problem may be to do with fluid retention then make sure you are drinking at least 2 litres of water per day and eating lots of water rich foods.
These strategies will not fix EVERY weight loss plateau as the problem is complex but they are a good place to start. If you are really stuck even after trying all these strategies don't let your weight loss motivation fall to the point of giving up. Try a professional such as a dietician who can monitor you closely and design a weight loss plan specific to your needs.
Just can't stick to it? Here's a boost to your weight loss motivation

Many people find it very difficult to adjust to smaller meals and feeling hungry all the time. I would often "break out" and eat snacks when I shouldn't and I just couldn't achieve my weight loss goals no matter how hard I tried.

I would constantly be annoyed at myself for "breaking" my diet.

When the US discovered the media hype surrounding the Hoodia cactus after media coverage on ABC and CBS news, thousands of people decided to give this option a try and it has proved to be a breakthrough for those who had tried a diet or weight loss supplement in the past and it just didn't really work.

Eating the hoodia cactus has the effect of fooling your brain into thinking you are full. It has suppressed the appetite and thirst of the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in South Africa for hundreds of years.

Be Careful! A warning when purchasing hoodia:

Hoodia supplements of all kinds are now available. There are options from pills to liquids, patches, and even coffees, teas, shakes and fruit bars! The demand for hoodia at the moment is much higher than the supply available. You need to be careful which retailer you purchase from as only properly certified manufacturers can obtain authentic hoodia.

The South African government has placed limits on the amount of Hoodia that can be exported from their country in order to prevent over harvesting. Hoodia plantations are currently growing plants to meet the demand but the Hoodia is difficult to grow and takes around 5-7 years to reach maturity.

Until then Hoodia is a quite rare. Many manufacturers wanting to ride the wave of hoodia popularity have resorted to making fake hoodia products or supplements with so little authentic hoodia in them that the effects would be insignificant.

How to avoid the scammers:

There are lots of options available for Hoodia products. Although there are plenty of fakes, the good news is there are a handful of reputable products that are worth your time and your dollar!

Unless you plan on losing your money rather than your pounds there are 3 things you absolutely must AVOID when purchasing Hoodia supplements! These clues on a manufacturers website will help you to identify the scammers and which products to stay away from.

Visit Trusted Weight Loss Review [] and discover what you need to know.

This article only addresses one of the problems that can destroy your weight loss motivation. You can also download the full ebook The 7 Problems that can CRIPPLE your weight loss efforts for free at Trusted Weight Loss Review [] and get the full story.

Weight loss "wanna be" or weight loss success? Discover a wealth of resources and reviews of the products that have helped our readers to attain a slimmer, healthier, sexier you. There are no gurus here. No hype. Just real people who have achieved the body they have always wanted. Discover how at []

Weight Loss Motivation - What Is The Biggest Problem That Kills Weight Loss Motivation?

Weight loss motivation is a BIG problem especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. The problem can just seem IMPOSSIBLE. This is part 3 of our 8 part series exploring the 7 most crippling problems faced by people trying to stick to a weight loss plan and offer the solutions that allowed me to break free of the weight loss plateau. What is the BIGGEST problem that kills the weight loss motivation of thousands? Problem 2: I don’t have time for preparing healthy meals! Weight loss solution No.1 – AVOID! AVOID! AVOID! I sympathize with you COMPLETELY if the last thing you want to do is slave over a hot stove after a 10 hour (or more) workday. But even if you do work multiple jobs and need to eat out or get take away for almost every meal there is no excuse for poor eating. We live in the 21st century and in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Almost every type of food available is within close proximity to many of us who live in the city and even semi rural areas these days. There are choices and we need to carefully consider the cost of constantly choosing foods that are stealing away our weight loss solutions. SCARY FACT: It is possible to buy take away foods EVERY DAY of the week and still lose weight.

How did I do it? I stuck to the plan that I have outlined below. The weight loss secret is all about small portions, light healthy meals and WHAT TO AVOID! Top 4 types of foods to AVOID when buying take aways:

Fried foods are everywhere. Hamburgers, fish and chips, chicken, spring rolls etc. the list just goes on! But have you noticed the local sandwich shop offering chicken salad, whole wheat wraps, salads with wholemeal bread… there are more possibilities out there than you think. Anything steamed, grilled or baked rather than fried will make a BIG difference to your fat intake.
That chicken schnitzel with cheese and parmigana sauce may make your day but it won’t make your weight loss solutions become a reality. Other weight loss killers include butter, sour cream, full cream yoghurts, mayo, tartare sauce and relish. The general pattern is to avoid extras based on sugars and dairy products. The worst thing is we often underestimate the effects of these items on our weight loss solutions. We think “they are so small, how can they affect the overall result?” Let me tell you that in the past I have been guilty of eating a whole carton of sour cream with a plate of wedges and it adds up big time! Avoid these extras altogether and if you can’t then be very mindful of the amount you are using.
It is very tempting when the larger size is only 50 cents more but the number of calories you are adding can be much more expensive to your diet than 50 measly cents! The best piece of advice someone ever gave me is “you have to learn to say NO”. The food servers are trained to ask you to upsize. They are simply doing their job. They won’t be the least bit offended if you say no. You won’t look rude or like a fool especially if you add a “thank you” to that “no”. Don’t be afraid to say it. No-one is making you say “yes”.
After we have had a few too many drinks, worries about calories go straight out the window. Irish Cream and milk may taste great but all that milk and the sweet Irish Cream itself is loaded with all the wrong things if you have too many. If you must drink choose a low carb beer or a dry wine (preferably red). Diet soft drinks are not ideal but preferable to their sugar loaded full soft drink counterparts. Nothing beats a nice cold glass of filtered water. It tastes great and you can enjoy it to your hearts content!
HELP! How can I ease the pain? Don’t let your weight loss motivation fall if constantly being hungry is getting you down. An adjustment period is normal when you are embarking on any major lifestyle change.

Many people turn to an appetite suppressant called Hoodia to help them through this adjustment period. This natural dietary supplement is a form of the Hoodia Cactus that is famous for its ability to suppress hunger and thirst. Hoodia has been used by the Bushmen of South Africa for hundreds of years to suppress their appetite during long hunting trips through the Kalahari Desert.

The hoodia has the effect of fooling your brain into thinking you are full. It has allowed thousands of Americans to get their food cravings under control and not feel the physical anguish of hunger pains from eating smaller meals. It will allow you to get used to healthier and lighter meals and is a fantastic way to start your diet or start to actually see success in your diet if you have previously made no real progress.

It is not a miracle. You will still need to have mental weight loss motivation but the physical adjustment difficulties will be much easier to conquer when using Hoodia. It turned the weight loss battle on its head when hoodia was discovered in 2003 and for many people it was the breakthrough that allowed them to finally experience the elusive weight loss solution. There are many hoodia extracts you can choose from tablets to capsules to liquids and even patches but BE CAREFUL.

WARNING: Some Hoodia supplements contain little or no authentic Hoodia. Hoodia is very rare and many companies are selling fake Hoodia products to jump on the popularity of this product as a weight loss solution.

Unless you plan on losing your money rather than your pounds there are 3 things you absolutely must AVOID when purchasing Hoodia supplements! These clues on a manufacturers website will help you to identify the scammers and which products to stay away from.

Weight Loss Motivation - The 7 Problems That Can Destroy Your Weight Loss Efforts - Part 1

Weight loss motivation is a BIG problem especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. The problem can just seem IMPOSSIBLE. How do you get the motivation to start your weight loss plan and more importantly to stick to it?

This 7 part series will help you to overcome the 7 most damaging problems faced by people trying to stick to a weight loss plan and offer the solutions that allowed me to break free of the weight loss plateau.

PROBLEMS! PROBLEMS! PROBLEMS! They are all around us in life and we overcome them everyday but it is amazing how a problem as personal and close to our hearts as our size can cloud our thinking.

Do you respond with fear and anxiety? Also feelings of self blame and inadequacy? You would not be alone. Many of us don't know where to begin to find the weight loss motivation that we need to succeed.

How do you respond to your weight? There are:

Those who start a weight loss solution that is too severe and quit within a few days
Those who blame themselves for their weight problem and sink further and further into low self esteem
Those who starve themselves believing that this is the best solution to the problem
None of these approaches work. They are NOT solutions, just problems in themselves. The good news?
They are problems that can be overcome with the right attitude and information.

How do we get the right attitude? It requires a change of thinking which can be quite threatening at first. It doesn't mean your prior ideas are a sign of failure. It is actually a sign of success to quit out of strength and let go of ideas that are not leading you to the success that you desire.

As the old saying goes "If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you've always got". There is no weight loss secret. Change your strategy and you are giving yourself the opportunity to escape the weight loss plateau and succeed.

There is an easier way...

One of the hardest things is to adjust to the new lifestyle commitment that is required with any weight loss solution. Feelings of constant hunger were getting me down and would cause me to break out and snack when I know I shouldn't or abandon my diet altogether until the guilt got to me!

Since I began my website Trusted Weight Loss Review I have learned that I am certainly not alone. When ABC and CBS news aired an article over a year ago about the Hoodia Cactus found in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa, many people looking for weight loss help ordered hoodia extract supplements.

The Hoodia plant has a unique ability to suppress appetite and thirst. BBC news correspondent Tom Mangold reports in his article that after eating a half a banana size piece of the hoodia cactus his normal appetite did not return for almost 24hours.

Hoodia extract supplements won't give you an effect as dramatic as this (it wouldn't be healthy nor speed up your metabolism to simply eat nothing for days on end!).

They will allow you to get your food cravings and hunger pains under control. The hoodia cactus has the effect of fooling the brain into believing you are full similar to the way our glucose levels in the body naturally do this. This sensation is 1000 times more powerful than glucose when using Hoodia.

Hoodia has helped many people to breakthrough the weight loss plateau where other methods have failed. Hoodia offers a direct solution to address the weight loss motivation factor. Having the constant reminder of being hungry removed from your day makes the weight loss solution so much easier to achieve.

There are many forms of hoodia extract you can choose. There are hundreds of products out there but BE CAREFUL. Some Hoodia supplements contain little or no authentic Hoodia. Hoodia is very rare and many companies are selling fake Hoodia products to jump on the popularity of this product as a weight loss solution.

Unless you plan on losing your money rather than your pounds there are the 3 things you absolutely must AVOID when purchasing Hoodia supplements! These clues on a manufacturers website will help you to identify the scammers and which products to stay away from.

Visit Trusted Weight Loss Review and discover what you need to know.

This article only addresses one of the problems that can destroy your weight loss motivation. You can also download the full ebook The 7 Problems that can CRIPPLE your weight loss efforts for free at Trusted Weight Loss Review [] and get the full story.



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